Marriage, Sexual Abuse, and Domestic Violence: A Sharia perspective

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Ms. Almees Jabbar 
Dr. Hafsah Ayaz Qureshi


Sexual abuse within the confines of marriage has been identified as a distressing and pervasive issue with far-reaching implications for the mental health of survivors. This study explores the sexuality-related teachings of Islam in married partnerships. An essential component of human nature is the natural desire to satiate sexual cravings, and marriage is the widely accepted mean of doing so. Shariah has extensive rules that regulate a married couple's sexual interactions, with a focus on the husband's duty to show kindness and affection towards his wife. While it is required of wives to satiate their husbands' sexual demands, reciprocity requires husbands to do the same for their wives. Quran recounts a historical context marked by violence against women, including instances of sexual abuse. Practices such as zihar and lian were prevalent during the era of ignorance, exploiting women sexually. Islam, however, eradicates all forms of exploitative sexual relationships. Violations of these Islamic principles resulting in harm to women, subject to punishment in accordance with both Shariah and state laws. This study highlights various forms of sexual abuse and explores potential solutions from an Islamic standpoint. Employing a qualitative research methodology, the analysis focuses on textual data derived from the Quran and Sunnah.


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How to Cite
Ms. Almees Jabbar , & Dr. Hafsah Ayaz Qureshi. (2024). Marriage, Sexual Abuse, and Domestic Violence: A Sharia perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(1), 510-517. Retrieved from