اسقاط حمل کی حدود و قیود اور جدید فقہی تحقیقات Abortion: its Limitations and New trends in Contemporary Islamic Law

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حافظ محمد یونس * حافظ عبد الباسط خان**


Religion plays a significant role in a patient's bioethical decision to have an abortion. Nevertheless, a holistic understanding of the Islamic position remains under-researched. This study bears a comprehensive and systematic analysis of Islam’s position towards abortion through examining the most authoritative texts i.e. the Quran and the Sunnah as well as other informative factors i.e. contemporary fatwas, broader Islamic principles and interest groups. The position of Islamic Jurisprudence on abortion is somewhat variable, and many religious scholars permit abortion in certain circumstances during specific stages of gestational development. It is generally agreed that the least blameworthy abortion is when the life of the pregnant woman is in danger and when 120 days have not lapsed; however, there prevails heterogeneity in regards to other circumstances e.g. preserving physical or mental health, fatal impairment or rape.

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How to Cite
حافظ محمد یونس * حافظ عبد الباسط خان**. (2020). اسقاط حمل کی حدود و قیود اور جدید فقہی تحقیقات Abortion: its Limitations and New trends in Contemporary Islamic Law. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 1(1), 11-30. Retrieved from http://www.ijhs.com.pk/index.php/IJHS/article/view/176